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Enjoy sustainable weight loss with our team of clinicians

If you are looking to improve your overall health with noticeable and sustainable weight loss and live in the areas of Manhattan, New York, and Stamford, Connecticut, you may want to speak to the team at the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine. Drs Robert Kachko, Paul Epstein, and Veena Verma-Dzik are here to help you find a way to achieve your weight loss goals–and maintain them for life!

Holistic medicine for personalized treatment

Everybody is unique, and our team is here to provide a treatment plan tailored to your needs. Some patients fare well with low-carb diets, while others may struggle with reduced energy and sustained weight. We evaluate you using diagnostic tools, including genomic and hormone assessments with blood work and a complete, thorough physical examination of our patients. We talk about one’s journey to a healthier life and what has worked (or not worked) in the past. Then, we take this information to help you determine how much protein, carbohydrates, and fat your body needs to achieve your goals. By following your new nutritional plan, you will be able to enjoy medically guided weight loss over time. It may be the strategy you need to get your body where you need it for better health and wellness!

What is causing my inability to lose weight?

There are many factors that might make it difficult for you to lose weight when compared to others, so having a thorough evaluation done by our team is the first step in learning more about how your body and metabolism work before finding a way to address these issues and see dramatic results!

Are you seeking compassionate support to help you reach your weight loss goals?

If you have been dealing with the lifelong struggle of excess weight and are ready to make the change for a healthier you, do not hesitate to contact the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine in the city of Stamford, CT, to schedule an appointment with our team. The office is at 1200 High Ridge Road, Floor 2, and is open to new and returning patients who call (866) 320-6402 for a consultation. Our facility is equipped to serve patients within the area, including Darien, Greenwich, Fairfield, Bedford, and Wilton.

Dr. Robert Kachko discusses Long Term Sustainable Medical Weight Loss

Dr. Robert Kachko discusses Long Term Sustainable Medical Weight Loss
In this video, Dr. Robert Kachko explains how long-term sustainable weight loss through a personalized approach to your health.

Why do you gain back the weight you lost?

Hi, this is Dr. Robert Kachko from New York and Stamford Centers for Integrative Medicine, and I’d like to spend some time today discussing long-term sustainable weight loss.

There’s a reason that 95% of people who lose weight from a diet tend to gain it back or gain more weight. That’s because our body responds to severe restriction by changing what’s called our basal metabolic rate.

How can you lose weight and keep the weight off?

In order to really sustainably lose weight, lose it and keep it off, we need to take a personalized approach to your health care because the body that is healthy in an optimal way and is in alignment with all of its personal needs is more likely to be at a healthy long-term weight.

Usually that includes a personalized nutrition plan that one of our clinicians can help you develop.

It includes a personalized exercise plan as well as targeted nutrients, botanicals, and sometimes when necessary prescription medications.

What are the areas to consider to help sustainable medical weight loss?

Our goal with all of these treatments is to address various aspects of your physiology. It can include inflammation and oxidative stress, hormone health, including thyroid health, and your sex hormones like your estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

It can include addressing digestive health and nutrient deficiencies that might result, and include addressing your fluid metabolism so making sure that your body isn’t holding on to excess water weight, which is often a reason why people cannot lose weight.

Similarly, we have to consider the environment in each of your weight loss plans because very often, our body will hold on to excess weight if it’s exposed to all kinds of environmental toxicants and that it’s doing its best to clear.

With this sort of long-term sustainable medical weight loss plan, most people do quite well and are able to keep their weight off forever.

Make an appointment with us today, and we’ll help you on your journey to sustainable well-being.


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