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Fatigue and how to combat it with the help of our doctors in Stamford, CT

We’ve all had instances where we’ve felt tired. Maybe we spent too many nights awake studying for exams in college or had a baby and went months neglecting our own individual sleep patterns to get through each day. However, some individuals deal with fatigue on a daily basis without any known cause. When this happens, the team at the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine of Stamford, Connecticut, may evaluate an individual to see if they are dealing with a condition known as chronic fatigue syndrome, sometimes referred to as CFS.

What is chronic fatigue syndrome?

The CDC estimates that as many as 2.5 million Americans have CFS. It is a widely recognized condition, sometimes referred to medically as “myalgic encephalomyelitis.” This condition causes patients to experience long-term fatigue, often accompanied by other effects such as severe insomnia, mood changes, and physical pain.

What else can cause long-term fatigue?

  • Sleep disorders, including sleep apnea and insomnia
  • Adrenal fatigue/adrenal insufficiency·
  • Anemia
  • Diabetes
  • Systemic infections
  • Hypothyroidism/hyperthyroidism

Can chronic fatigue be treated successfully?

Everyone’s experience with chronic fatigue syndrome differs and can be confused with the above conditions. However, with a proper diagnosis and assessment, many patients with CFS can find solutions for their situation with the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine team. We offer holistic and comprehensive treatment plans that may include a combination of therapies. This may include lifestyle changes, stress reduction, and treatment of pain and depression.

How do I start to find a solution to my chronic fatigue syndrome?

If you are struggling with chronic fatigue syndrome, you are not alone. Now is the time to connect with an integrative medicine physician who can evaluate you, provide a proper diagnosis, and discuss holistic methods to approach this condition with effective and noticeable results. Improve your quality of life today by calling the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine in Stamford, CT. Call (866) 320-6402 to request a visit at 1200 High Ridge Road, Floor 2, to connect with Drs Robert Kachko, Paul Epstein, and Veena Dzik. The practice serves patients in and around the nearby cities of Bedford, Wilton, Darien, Greenwich, and Fairfield and is open to new clients in these communities.

Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine is a multi-disciplinary team of providers that work collaboratively to assist you on your healthcare journey. Taking a truly holistic approach that honors your unique needs, the team will work with you to get you sustainably well.

Dr. Robert Kachko, Founder and Director of the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine, is a pioneer in Naturopathic and Integrative Medicine and has developed an extensive bio-psychosocial methodology for people living with chronic diseases. As Past President of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, Dr. Kachko advocates for healthcare reform to allow everyone access to the kind of care our clinic provides.


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