The team at the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine in Stamford, Connecticut, regularly works with patients to provide definitive diagnoses for a range of medical and health concerns. To achieve this, they often utilize integrative diagnostic testing and functional medicine with blood tests to evaluate a patient’s overall health. Blood tests provide a wealth of information to our professionals and help us better understand where patients are in their healthcare journey.
From there, we can work with patients to get them where they need to be–in better health and an improved quality of life!
Functional medicine blood tests are a key component of the integrative diagnostic approach used at the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine. These tests provide valuable information about a patient’s overall health and help our team better understand the underlying causes of any existing health issues.
Unlike traditional blood tests, which focus on diagnosing and treating certain health diseases or conditions, functional medicine blood tests look at the body as a whole. They assess various biomarkers, such as nutrient levels, hormone balance, inflammation markers, and genetic predispositions, to identify imbalances and dysfunctions in one’s body that might contribute to bothersome symptoms.
Blood tests can measure the levels of essential vitamins and minerals in the body, including vitamin D, B, iron, and magnesium. Deficiencies in these nutrients can lead to various health issues, including daytime fatigue, a weakened immune system, and hormonal imbalances.
Hormones are crucial in managing numerous bodily functions, and an imbalance can significantly affect one’s overall health. Functional medicine blood tests can assess hormone levels and identify imbalances causing symptoms like irregular periods, weight gain or loss, mood swings, and low libido.
Chronic inflammation is often linked to a wide range of health and medical problems, including autoimmune diseases, heart disease, and cancer. Blood tests can measure levels of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP) and homocysteine to identify potential sources of inflammation in one’s body.
Many people suffer from either food sensitivities or allergies without even realizing it. Functional medicine blood tests can detect antibodies against specific foods that might be causing digestive issues, skin problems, headaches, and other symptoms.
Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition for specific health conditions or may have inherited genetic mutations that can affect their overall health. Blood tests can assess genetic markers related to conditions including heart or cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer, providing valuable information for preventive care.
At the Connecticut Center for Integrative Medicine, our providers believe in the power of integrative diagnostic testing and functional medicine to help patients achieve better health outcomes. Call (866) 320-6402 to request a visit to our office.
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